Health insights
The Shroud of YESHUA
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Must see Videos!
Palestinian Muslim "Ibrahim
fighting the Jews for liberation of Palestine-discusses what he had learned about the Quran
and the Bible
How The Micropchip Implant is being prepared for You!
"The Gospel Of The Shroud"
Mighty Rushing Wind
Is this "The Holy Spirit" captured ?
3min 37sec
"Zola Levitt Presents"
watch The Television show now
The Bondage Breaker with Tom Brown TV Show
TV Show Archives
Did dinosaurs really become
extinct... millions of years before the existence of humans?
This educational film reveals historical and archaeological evidence that
dinosaurs and man once co-existed
The word ‘dragon’ is used a number
of times in the Old Testament. In most instances, the word dinosaur could substitute for dragon and it would fit very nicely.
Many scientists believe that dinosaurs were called dragons, before the word dinosaur was invented in the 1800s. There are
many accounts of "dragons" throughout history-many accounts of interactions with actual creatures- besides "mythical" accounts.
(As also there are accounts of actual giants.)
"There were giants in the earth in those
days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same
became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."Genesis 6:4
9' GIANT IN UTAH GRAVE (notice the skull)
Amazing evidence that dinosaurs and humans
Amazing evidence that dinosaurs and humans coexisted.
Correctly sculpted by ancient peoples .
The clay figurines from the Pre-classical Chupicuaro Culture (800 B.C. to 200 A.D.) found near Acambaro, Guanajuato,
Mexico. It seems obvious these people knew how "dragons" i.e. "dinosaurs"
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Dinosaurs (Modern Sightings)
Dinosaur Bones Only Thousands of Years Old?
"Reasons To Believe" Todays Show
Answers In Genesis
Creation Science weekly video broadcast WEEKLY VIDEO
REASONS TO BELIEVE creation Update Web Cast Archives
That Transform
Radio Show
Two African men, one a former witch doctor, the other
with a background in witchcraft, reveal mysteries of the invisible realm. They Shall Expel Demons
Gary Oates- Taken Up into Gods
POWERFUL Holy Presence Amazing
Gary Oates not only provokes you to jealousy by
his supernatural walk with God, but encourages you to also walk in this special intimacy.
This is Real and is Frightening
Hear an extraordinary recording of an actual
A 16 Year old Russian girl
Video News Report of Exorcism-Disturbing
Video News Report Russian Exorcisms
Exorcisms 2
NBC affiliate, KPRC Houston, aired a special report on Tom Brown ministry of deliverance. You will see
three people set free from Satan's power. 4 1/5 minutes. http://www.tbm.org/ramfiles/kprcexorcist.ram
Exorcism. MSNBC documentary featuring Tom Brown and Bob Larson. The subject is exorcism.
You will see many people delivered from evil spirits. 45 minute video or 6 1/5 minute video
and the Illuminati
Andrew Strom
Supernatural manifestations
that occur when God's presence invades a meeting.
Loves You"
New Zealand Television Channel
upholds traditional values, humbly communicates the gospel of Jesus Christ and encourages people
to be salt and light in the community
Warning AMERICA!
John Mark
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness #11 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness #10 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness #9 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness #8 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness # 7 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness # 6 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness # 5 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness # 4 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness # 3 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness # 2 |
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness # 1 | |
Visions of America's Judgment
Visions of America's Judgment #111/17/05 Visions of America's Judgment #211/18/05 Visions of America's Judgment #311/21/05 Visions of America's Judgment #411/22/05 Visions of America's Judgment #511/22/05 Visions of America's Judgment #611/23/05 Visions of America's Judgment #711/24/05
Michael Boldea
The Last Days are Here |
The Earth In Travail #8 |
The Earth In Travail #7 |
The Earth In Travail #6 |
The Earth In Travail #5 |
The Earth In Travail #4 |
The Earth In Travail #3 |
The Earth In Travail #2 |
The Earth In Travail #1 |
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Sample show
Renewing Your Mental Computer. Your mind
is like a hard drive of a computer, and the software is the information your mind has received. Learn to delete "mental" viruses
that could cause your mind to malfunction. 28 min 30 sec |
The Way
Dr. Michael Youssef
Audio Video Streaming messages of
Rev Steve Hill
If you're in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and would like to hear Rev Steve Hill live,
come join us at Heartland Fellowship Church 817-849-8773
Videos- about 45 min music-
then Powerful Messages
Watch these testamonies of changed lives and Gods power-
short video clips
Keith Daniel
A solemn warning to the Church
The church using wordly methods to win the world...it
will not work! The main thrust of the sermon is preached from ephesians 6 and the emphasis is that the church needs to get
into warfare on their knees.
have You heard such a potent and heartfelt cry for men and women to get right with God, eternity hangs on this
message. You will be deeply changed if you hear this message and it will give you a concept and urgency for your God given
responsiblity on earth as a Christian.
who live Godly in Christ Jesus- shall suffer Persecution - from within the church from those waxing worse and worse- the
To Those who are the salt of the earth-many are the Afflictions-
God is faithful
Powerful and honest look at John 15:1-8 “I am the vine, ye are the branches . . .”
Islamic Deception! We are ex-Muslims
Videos- Warning Very Disturbing!
Islam & Terrorism
Mormons Oneness
Pentecostals etc
investigate the cults
Investigate the Cults
CARM stands in opposition to false
"christs" such as the one in Mormonism which states that Jesus is the product of relations
between god and his goddess wife who were both people on another world. CARM also does not consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be Christian, nor Christadelphians, nor Christian Science since they all deny orthodox, biblical doctrine,
state God is something/someone He is not, and deny the full deity and/or humanity of Jesus.
The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
The Tsunami of 12-26 Video
Hebrew People who know their Messiah
Audio Broadcasts
Audio Broadcasts
Ravi Zecharias’ engaging, thought-provoking discourses - challenge Christians and
others to be honest about their beliefs
David Eells
Henry Gruver
is very well known for his prophetic visions of the coming invasion of America.
Henry dies and sees heaven...through prayer,
is brought back.
The 700
Video Broadcasts archive
Focus On The Family
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